University of Texas Rio Grande Valley Solar Radiation Lab |
Latitude: 26.3059o North Longitude: 98.1716o West Elevation: 45.4 AMSL Time Zone: CST |
Data sets currently available on UTRGV SRL web site
- "Live" graphical display, updated every 30 minutes.
- "Live" data and plots, updated every 30 minutes.
- Daily plots and raw data files, are available from September 01, 2011 to yesterday.
- Solar Calendars, are available from September 2011 to present month.
- Wind roses (monthly, seasonal, & yearly) are available from September 2011 to last month.
- Instrument history and meta data.
Ramos, J.; Andreas, A.; (2011). University of Texas Panamerican (UTPA): Solar
Radiation Lab (SRL); Edinburg, Texas (Data); NREL Report No. DA-5500-56514.
For more information about UTRGV SRL contact: Jaime Ramos