University of Nevada - Las Vegas |
Latitude: 36.107o North Longitude: 115.1425o West Elevation: 615 AMSL Time Zone: PST |
Data sets currently available on UNLV web site
- "Live" graphical display, updated every 10 minutes.
- "Live" data and plots, updated every 10 minutes.
- Daily plots and raw data files, are available from March 18, 2006 to yesterday.
- Solar Calendars, are available from March 2006 to present month.
- Wind roses (monthly, seasonal, & yearly) are available from March 2006 to last month.
- Instrument history and meta data.
Andreas, A.; Stoffel, T.; (2006). University of Nevada (UNLV):
Las Vegas, Nevada (Data); NREL Report No. DA-5500-56509.