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Irradiance Inc. RSP v2 Instrument Descriptions and Histories

Model Measurement
Notes (below)
Units Install
LI-200 Global Horizontal W/m2 06/19/2007 11/16/2010 PY37627 -10.35 W/m2/µA
11/17/2010 10/15/2019 PY69225 -10.92 W/m2/µA
10/15/2019 - PY90440 (see database)
Measured using a LICOR LI-200 Pyranometer mounted on an Irradiance Inc. Rotating Shadowband Radiometer (RSR). The RSR is mounted on the SRRL instrument deck and the LI-200 sensor height is approx. xxx feet above ground level. The uncorrected value is for testing and troubleshooting purposes only. Voltage is measured across a 100 Ohm precision resistor in parallel to sensor output.
LI-200 Diffuse Horizontal W/m2 06/19/2007 - - -
Measured using the above LI-200, when RSR band rotates every 30-seconds and blocks the sun. The uncorrected value is for testing and troubleshooting purposes only. Voltage is measured across a 100 Ohm precision resistor in parallel to sensor output.
(calc) Direct Normal W/m2 06/19/2007 - - FD = 1.0
04/04/2011 - - FD = 0.991022
11/06/2019 - - FD = 1.05
08/12/2024 - - FD = 1.0
Calculated using Global and Diffuse measurement. The uncorrected value is for testing and troubleshooting purposes only.
CSI-107 Temperature oC 06/19/2007 08/11/2010 10755-153 -
Outside air temperature mounted inside in a naturally aspirated radiation shield.
WXT520 Temperature oC 08/11/2010 09/18/2013 F2650004 -
07/22/2015 - F2650004 -
Outside air temperature measured by a Vaisala Weather Transmitter. The PTU is sampled internally every 15 seconds by the WXT520. As of 7/22/2015, the PTU internal sample rate is 30 seconds.
(calc) Pressure mBar 06/19/2007 08/11/2010 - -
Estimated station pressure based on elevation and air temperature.
WXT520 Pressure oC 08/11/2010 09/18/2013 F2650004 -
07/22/2015 - F2650004 -
Station pressure measured by a Vaisala Weather Transmitter. The PTU is sampled internally every 15 seconds by the WXT520. As of 7/22/2015, the PTU internal sample rate is 30 seconds.
(calc) Zenith Angle o 06/19/2007 - - -
Solar zenith angle calculated by RSP datalogger program.
(calc) Azimuth Angle o 06/19/2007 - - -
Solar azimuth angle calculated by RSP datalogger program.
(calc) Airmass - 06/19/2007 - - -
Airmass (optical) and airmass (pressure corrected) calculated by RSP datalogger program.
- RSP Battery Voltage V 06/19/2007 - - -
The RSP Battery powers the datalogger and the shadowband, it is charged by a PV panel.
- CR800 Temperature oC 06/19/2007 - - -
Temperature of CR800 datalogger panel.
- Error Flag counts 07/09/2007 11/24/2009 - -
A non-zero value indicates a problem with the RSP and counter is reset prior to each scan. Error codes (which are additive) are as follows:
Error ConditionCode
Batt_Volt < 11.51
Batt_Volt > 14.752
Rot_Count > 28804
Panel_Temp_C > +508
Panel_Temp_C < -2016
No_Well_count > 20032
(calc) Direct Normal (Bird Estimated) W/m2 07/24/2007 10/21/2013 - -
Estimated Direct Normal using the Bird Clear Sky Model
WXT520 Wind Speed and Wind Direction oC 08/11/2010 09/18/2013 F2650004 -
07/22/2015 - F2650004 -
Wind speed and direciton measured by a Vaisala Weather Transmitter. The sonic anemometer is sampled internally every 1 second by the WXT520. Peak wind speed is also recorded, which is the maximum 1-sec reading during the 1-minute interval. As of 7/22/2015, the peak is the maximum 3-sec reading during the interval.
WXT520 Relative Humidity oC 08/11/2010 09/18/2013 F2650004 -
07/22/2015 - F2650004 -
Relative Humidity measured by a Vaisala Weather Transmitter. The PTU is sampled internally every 15 seconds by the WXT520. As of 7/22/2015, the PTU internal sample rate is 30 seconds.
LI-200 Global Horizontal (secondary) W/m2 11/17/2010 - PY69226 (see database)
Measured using a LICOR LI-200 Pyranometer mounted next to the primary LI-200, but outside of the rotating shading band. Voltage is measured across a 100 Ohm precision resistor in parallel to sensor output. Note: The corrected secondary value is only available since 10/21/2013 (data in this field prior to that time is Bird Estimated Direct).
CS215 Dry Bulb Temperature and Relative Humidity oC
09/19/2013 07/22/2015 - N/A
Outside air temperature and relative humidity inside in a naturally aspirated radiation shield mounted on RSR pole below LICOR sensors.
CS106 Station Pressure mBar 09/19/2013 07/22/2015 - 0.24 mBar/mV+500mBar
The station pressure is measured by a Vaisala sensor mounted inside weatherproof housing. This sensor is only measured every 5-minutes.
  • Data logger rate is every 3 seconds with 1-minute average output. Data prior to 11/24/2009 is every 5 seconds with 1-minute output.
  • The CR800 is a table based operating system, data is converted from table to array format after datacollection, also any non-numeric values are converted to -99999.
  • The datalogger program runs using greenwich mean time (GMT), data is converted to Mountain Standard Time (MST) after datacollection. As of 1-31-2013, the data logger runs on MST.
  • The Irradiance RSP cleaning maintenance history is available.
  • Known instrument problems can be found in the Data Quality Statements (DQS) database.

[NREL] [MIDC] [SRRL Irrad. RSP2]