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The MIDC raw data API allows for automated extraction of daily data sets from any MIDC station. Extracted data is equivalent to data retrieved using the All Raw Data option from the MIDC daily data web interface, however URL structure has been simplified for API use.


Public/External Use:
NREL Internal Only:

siteSSSSSSSS (Station Identifier)Required, identifiers are listed in table below with example link (in Station ID column) for most recent day
begin4-digit year (YYYY), 2-digit month (MM), 2-digit day (DD) for date to begin extractionOptional, most recent day returned if not included
end4-digit year (YYYY), 2-digit month (MM), 2-digit day (DD) for date to end extractionOptional, one day returned if not included
  • A header is included with extracted data which describes each column. As needed, the end user should read the header for proper usage of the data, since the header could change over time.
  • All measurement parameters for station will be retrieved, data format will be identical to output from data logging or data acquisition system.
  • If a begin and end date spans an instrument configuration change (a header change), an error message would result indicating date of such change, the user would then need to build two queries to obtain the two different data sets with different headers. The error will never result if only grabbing one day at a time, because MIDC does not support configuration changes mid-day.
  • If measurement parameter names must be known before calling the Data API, the Field API can be called before hand to find all the measurements that have been available over time for a station. The link to the Field API for each station is available in the table below under the station name column.
  • A Station List API is also available, which is a comma seperated list of station identifiers, station names, latitude, longitude and elevation.
  • An AIM Meta Data API is also available for instrument calibration history, location, maintenance, etc.

Station ID
(Link: DATA API example)
Station Name
RCSARM Radiometer Characterization System (RCS)
BSBluefield State College
HSUCal Poly Humboldt (SoRMS)
ECElizabeth City State University
LRSSLowry Range Solar Station (RSR)
ESIFNREL Energy Systems Integration Facility
NWTCNREL Flatirons Campus (M2)
AOCSNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (AOCS)
AODSRRLBMNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (AOD ESR-MRI L2)
AODSRRLAMNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (AOD ESR-MRI L2A)
AODSRRLBENREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (AOD ESR-Sunrad L2)
AODSRRLAENREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (AOD ESR-Sunrad L2A)
AODSRRLBCNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (AOD SR-CEReS L2)
ATINREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (ATI RSP)
BMSNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (BMS)
BSRNNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (BSRN)
PWVSRRLNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (GPS-based PWV)
IRRSPNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (Irradiance Inc. RSP v2)
RAZONNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (RaZON+)
RSPNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (Schott RSP)
MFRNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (YES MFR)
TSRNREL Solar Radiation Research Laboratory (YES TSR)
VTIFNREL Vehicle Testing and Integration Facility RSR
NELHANatural Energy Laboratory of Hawaii Authority (NELHA)
NPCNevada Power Clark Station
ORNLOak Ridge National Laboratory (RSR)
LMUSOLRMAP Loyola Marymount University (RSR)
SSSCATSOLRMAP Southwest Solar Research Park
SS2SOLRMAP Sun Spot Two - Swink (RSR)
TSESCSOLRMAP Tri-State Escalante (RSR)
UATSOLRMAP University of Arizona (OASIS)
USEPCCSOLRMAP Utah Geological Survey - State Energy Program (Cedar City)
USEPMFSOLRMAP Utah Geological Survey - State Energy Program (Milford)
AUXBSRRL Ancillary Data (1-Axis Tracker Status)
AUXGSRRL Ancillary Data (Digital Status)
AUXCSRRL Ancillary Data (High Wind Alerts)
AUXESRRL Ancillary Data (Research Channels #1)
AUXFSRRL Ancillary Data (Research Channels #2)
AUXDSRRL Ancillary Data (Tracker and TEC Status)
AUXASRRL Ancillary Data
PVSBMSMPSRRL PV Resource (BMS-Samples)
PVSFTSMPSRRL PV Resource (FT-Samples)
PVSFTSRRL PV Resource (Fixed Tilt)
PVSGHSMPSRRL PV Resource (GH-Samples)
PVSGHSRRL PV Resource (Global Horiz)
PVSSASMPSRRL PV Resource (ST-Samples)
SSIMSRRL SolarSIM-D2+ Direct Normal
SSIMGSRRL SolarSIM-G Global Horizontal
SMUDASacramento Municipal Utility District (Anatolia)
SCISan Clemente Island Data
AODSTAC0ESolar Technology Acceleration Center (AOD ESR Level 0)
AODSTAC1ESolar Technology Acceleration Center (AOD ESR Level 1.1)
AODSTAC0SSolar Technology Acceleration Center (AOD SkyRad Level 0)
AODSTAC1SSolar Technology Acceleration Center (AOD SkyRad Level 1.1)
PWVSTACSolar Technology Acceleration Center (GPS-based PWV)
STACSolar Technology Acceleration Center (SolarTAC)
SPMDSouth Park Mountain Data
SS1Sun Spot One - San Luis Valley (RSR)
USVIBOVBUS Virgin Islands Bovoni 2
USVILONAUS Virgin Islands Longford
UFLUniversity of Florida
ULLUniversity of Louisiana at Lafayette
UNLVUniversity of Nevada - Las Vegas
PWVUOUniversity of Oregon (GPS-based PWV)
UOSMRLUniversity of Oregon (SRML)
UTPASRLUniversity of Texas Rio Grande Valley Solar Radiation Lab
PVSUOSMPUofO PV Resource (Samples)
PVSUOUofO PV Resource
XECSXcel Energy Comanche Station (RSR)