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SRRL BMS Daily Raw Data: Field IDs
August 4, 2001 to December 31, 2003

Click on field title to change sort order.
Field #
5Global PSP W/m2
6Global PSP (ventilated) W/m2
7Global LI-200 (unit 1) W/m2
8Global LI-200 (unit 2) W/m2
9Global RG780 PSP (vent.) W/m2
10Global TSP-1 W/m2
11Global CM6b W/m2
12Global SP Lite W/m2
13Global Quantum LI-190 µmol/s/m2
14Global 40-South PSP W/m2
15Global 40-South LI-200 W/m2
16Global Normal CM-21 W/m2
17Global UV-Total TUVR W/m2
18Global UVB 501A W/m2
19Global UVE 501A (MED) MED/hr
20Global UVB MS210W W/m2
21Global UVA CUVA1 W/m2
22Global UVB CUVB1 W/m2
23Global UVA UV-S-A-T W/m2
24Global UVB UV-S-B-T W/m2
25Global UVB UVB-1 W/m2
26Global UVE 501A (Index) Index
27Direct NIP (unit 1) W/m2
28Direct NIP (unit 2) W/m2
29Direct LI-201 W/m2
30Direct RG780 NIP W/m2
31Direct CH1 W/m2
32Direct UV-Total TUVR W/m2
33Direct UVA CUVA2 W/m2
34Direct UVB CUVB2 W/m2
35Photometer TWC (500nm) W/m2/nm
36Photometer MS110 (368nm) W/m2/nm
37Photometer MS110 (500nm) W/m2/nm
38Photometer MS110 (675nm) W/m2/nm
39Photometer MS110 (778nm) W/m2/nm
40Diffuse PSP (sdwband corr.) W/m2
41Diffuse PSP (vent.) W/m2
42Diffuse 8-48 (vent.) W/m2
43Diffuse CM22 (vent.) W/m2
44Diffuse UVB UVB-1 W/m2
45Upwelling Shortwave PSP W/m2
46Downwelling IR PIR (vent.) W/m2
47Downwelling IR CG4 (vent.) W/m2
48Upwelling IR PIR W/m2
49Net Infrared PIR (inst.) W/m2
50Net Infrared CG4 (inst.) W/m2
51CR23X Temp oC
52Temperature (Deck) oC
53Relative Humidity (Deck) %
54501A Temp oC
55CUVA1 Temp oC
56CUVB1 Temp oC
57CUVA2 Temp oC
58CUVB2 Temp oC
59UV-S-A-T Temp oC
60UV-S-B-T Temp oC
61UVB-1 Temp (Global) oC
62UVB-1 Temp (Diffuse) oC
63DW PIR Dome Temp oK
64DW PIR Case Temp oK
65DW CG4 Case Temp oK
66UW PIR Dome Temp oK
67UW PIR Case Temp oK
68CR23X Battery VDC
69LI-2020 Battery VDC
70CR10X Battery (Met-Twr) VDC
71Transmitter Battery VDC
72CR10X Temp (Met-Twr) oC
73Temperature (Tower) oC
74Relative Humidity (Tower) %
75Wind Chill Temp (Tower) oC
76Vertical Wind Sheer 1/s
77Wind Speed (10') m/s
78Pk Wind Speed (10') m/s
79Wind Speed (22') m/s
80Wind Direction (22') o from N
81Pk Wind Speed (22') m/s
82Wind Speed (42') m/s
83Wind Direction (42') o from N
84Pk Wind Speed (42') m/s
85Station Pressure mBar
86Est. Sea-Level Pressure mBar
87Precipitation mm
88Precipitation (Accumulated) mm
89Global CM3 (CNR1) W/m2
90Upwelling Shwv CM3 (CNR1) W/m2
91Downwelling IR CG3 (CNR1) W/m2
92Upwelling IR CG3 (CNR1) W/m2
93Net Infrared CNR1 (atmos.) W/m2
94CNR1 Case Temp oK
95CR10X Temp (Rad-Twr) oC
96CR10X Battery (Rad-Twr) VDC
97Global PSP (vent/zenith corr.) W/m2
98AOD MS110 (368nm) -
99AOD MS110 (500nm) -
100AOD MS110 (675nm) -
101AOD MS110 (778nm) -
102AOD TWC (500nm) -
103Diffuse PSP (vent/thermal corr.) W/m2
105Broadband Turbidity -
106Net Radiation (Eppley) W/m2
107Net Radiation (CNR1) W/m2
108Albedo (Eppley) (ratio)
109Albedo (CNR1) (ratio)
110Zenith Angle o
111Azimuth Angle o
112Airmass -
113Net Infrared PIRs (atmos.) W/m2
114AOD Estimated (500nm) -

These raw data files were downloaded
directly from the datalogger using
Campbell Scientific LoggerNet.

Real-time data collection is quality checked
using min/max and delta comparisons.

Note: Some sites may be merged from several dataloggers
and/or contain post-proccessed fields.